Belonging is about displacement, the desire to fit in and the prejudice born out of classification. The willow balls are distinctly different from the nature they find themselves amongst. For protection, they swarm and huddle together. Their attempt is to settle into the landscape, however there is a tension and an awareness that they don't quite belong. They belong to nature, but not to the nature surrounding them. Willow is not native to the area.

The piece can be interpreted as a comment on the differences people see in each other, differences that can lead to feelings of not fitting in, of not quite belonging at all. The work acts as an exploration of boundaries, of category, inclusion and acceptance.

Belonging is a large-scale sculptural installation woven in willow. It was previously exhibited as part of Heathlands Artswork at RSPB Farnham Heath, Surrey (2020) which then went onto be shown at The Watts Gallery and Artist Village from October 2020 to October 2021. A second scupture was made as it was selected as part of Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden for their summer season April 2021, where it has remained ever since.


April 2021- ongoing

Selected group show: Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden