I was offered my a month-long Artist in Residency in 2019 at Millfield School (as a result of my being selected for their (MA and Other Postgraduate Awards) in 2019.
Though I was not required to have a final exhibition of the work produced over that month-long period, I was required to deliver two lessons per week to the middle and upper school students who were in receipt of art scholarships from Millfield. In additional to these classes, I also delivered a lesson to students from a local school on their outreach programme and did an exhibition review with the students.
AiR studio - Millfield School
I worked with the theme WALLS for my residency, with each student making a brick which then got built into a wall. Walls were interpreted as the ways in which people are predudiced against. Students looked at sexuality, money, geography, politics, gender and age and made bricks in response to those prompts. With the younger students worked with blind-emboss prints using lazer cut shapes.
(Due to security restrictions at the school, I am not permitted to show many images.)