JUNE 14TH 2020
When Things Come Apart Mic Drop June 2020
When things come apart
Materials: 2"x2" treated timber, coach screws
Size: 8.4 meters (27 feet) weighing 1.3 tons
When Things Come Apart is an exploration of the meaning of liberty not just in the USA but the world over. The USA has a great influence exporting its politics, economics and culture her full name being " Liberty Enlightening the World".
Exhibited in galleries in the UK ( South Street Gallery in Farnham and Atkinson Gallery at Millfield School, Somerset ) this sculpture has been shown in various states of collapse, from lying on her side, tumbling out of walls or having lost her light, her torch lying at her feet. It is currently installed on the artist’s driveway in Hampshire, UK.
The UK and the USA are linked through history and our seemingly ‘special relationship’ and more so now that the UK is leaving the EU and is looking to do trade deals with the USA. Over the course of 2020 When Things Come Apart will reflect various issues facing the world now, and it’s relationship to the UK
When Things Come Apart is a scaled up version of a model matchstick kit. Matchstick modeling has its roots in prison arts, especially with naval prisoners-of-war in the 18th Century, though is still a popular arts medium in prisons today. In this scultpure matchsticks have been replaced with 2"x2" treated timber resulting in a 1:18 scale model.
To see the various ways this sculpture has been exhibited please refer to exhibitons,
MA and Other Postgraduate Awards, MA Degree Show and 6-8 South Street.