A few weeks back now, TECHnique Create Hub asked if I would give a talk at IBM’s Head office, Southbank, London about ‘city data’ and how, as an artist, I have used data sets in my work and the importance of involving the public in my work in some way. The talk was focused around an art piece commissioned by Quay Arts gallery on the Isle of Wight earlier this year but is now installed at IMB’s head office of the Southbank. London. If you would like to know more about the piece itself then I wrote something about it here.
Before the talk I met with various members of IBM IX team and we chatted about how artists and the work they produce can often help explain concepts more easily than verbal or written communication can. Hopefully our informal chat will lead to further talks with them. Andy Stanford Clark whom I collaborated with on the project also talked, as too did artist Marcin Ignac. Although the focus of his talk was on the work he did for TFL I was familiar with a work he produced called Tatelets an artwork based on data-sets generated from Tate Modern’s collection project so worth looking at if you want to see some great data visualization.
Clockwise from top left: Samuel Fry, Marcin Ignac, Dd Davies, Andy Stanford-Clark